1. PRAYERS a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest b) Approval of Agenda c) Adoption of Minutes d) Business Arising from Minutes
CORRESPONDENCE a) Downtown Timmins BIA re: street closure - Fashion Frenzy
REPORTS a) Archie Dillon Sportsplex Seating Replacement
4. BYLAWS a) Suspend Rules of Procedure b) 2011-7098 - Amend Zoning By-Law re: Carpet Man Tools Limited 5. ADJOURNMENT a) Meeting Adjournment
1. PRAYERS a) Declaration of Pecuniary Interest b) Approval of Agenda c) Adoption of Minutes d) Business Arising from Minutes
CORRESPONDENCE a) Downtown Timmins BIA re: street closure - Fashion Frenzy
REPORTS a) Archie Dillon Sportsplex Seating Replacement
4. BYLAWS a) Suspend Rules of Procedure b) 2011-7098 - Amend Zoning By-Law re: Carpet Man Tools Limited 5. ADJOURNMENT a) Meeting Adjournment