PRESENTATIONS & REPORTS Deeming By-law 6062 King Street - D. St. Onge
Declaration of Surplus Land and Direct Land Sale re: King Street - D. St. Onge
Infrastructure Ontario for financing of Capital Works (Golden Manor) - G. Paquette
Laneway Closure re: Goldale Road - S. Palmateer
Laneway Closure re: Jersey Lane - S. Palmateer
Municipal portion of the MAT tax - Councillor Robin
a) Adoption/Receipt of Minutes BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following Minutes of Timmins Council be adopted as presented: Minutes of the Regular meeting held January 25, 2022 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following Minutes be accepted: Minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee held December 15, 2021 b) Correspondence Letter from Tom Bell on behalf of No Nuisance Noise Ontario (NNNO!) re: Nuisance noise created by modified/missing mufflers Letter from the Honourable Ministers Lisa M. Thompson and Marie- Claude Bibeau Letter from Robin McLeod re: The Really Really Free Market (RRFM) c) First and Second Reading of By-Laws RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following by-laws be given first and second reading: By-law 2022-8655 being a by-law to amend by-law 1983-2004, Schedule "I" respecting Parking Metered Zones By-law 2022-8656 being a by-law to deem lots 42, 43 and 44 on Plan M-12-S, known municipally as 6062 King Street By-law 2022-8657 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of part 7 on plan 6R-8311 (Goldale Road) By-law 2022-8658 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of Part 1 on plan 6R-9313 (Jersey Lane) By-law 2022-8659 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement for the Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 By-law 2022-8660 being a by-law to authorize certain new capital work(s) of the Municipality of the City of Timmins; to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and lands corporation (“OILC”) for financing of such capital work(s); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such capital work(s); and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures to OILC
Amend by-law 18-305 re: Committee of Adjustment BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council amend resolution 18-305 to add Scott Bragagnolo as member to the Committee of Adjustment.
Declaration of Surplus Land and Direct Land Sale re: King Street BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council declared the subject land, Whitney Con 3 Pt Lot 9, Parcel 3811WT, Plan 6R-9313, Parts 2 and 3, surplus to the needs of the municipality, and sell the subject land to the adjacent property owners on King Street.
Municipal Accommodation Tax Terms of Reference and Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Timmins hereby creates a committee known as the Municipal Accommodation Tax Committee for the purpose of distributing the municipal portion of the MAT Tax proceeds, AND FURTHER THAT the attached terms of reference be adopted as the terms for the committee, AND FURTHER THAT the following members of Council be appointed to the Committee for the balance of this term of Council: Councillor Boileau Councillor Robin Councillor Whissell AND FURTHER THAT an advertisement for the community position be placed in the newspaper and that applications shall be submitted to the Clerks Department.
2022-8655-Amend by-law 1983-2004 re: Schedule I - Parking Metered Zones BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8655 being a by-law to amend bylaw 1983-2004, Schedule "I" respecting Parking Metered Zones be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8656-Deeming By-law re: 6062 King Street BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8656 being a by-law to deem lots 42, 43 and 44 on Plan M-12-S, known municipally as 6062 King Street be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8657-Stop up, close and sell unopened road allowance re: Goldale Road BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8657 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of part 7 on plan 6R-8311 (Goldale Road) be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8658-Stop up, close and sell unopened road allowance re: Jersey Lane BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8658 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of Part 1 on plan 6R-9313 (Jersey Lane) be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8659-Agreement with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement - Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8659 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement for the Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8660-Application to Infrastructure Ontario for financing of Capital Works re: Golden Manor Redevelopment BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8660 being a by-lawto authorize certain new capital work(s) of the Municipality of the City of Timmins; to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and lands corporation (“OILC”) for financing of such capital work(s); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such capital work(s); and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures to OILC be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
PRESENTATIONS & REPORTS Deeming By-law 6062 King Street - D. St. Onge
Declaration of Surplus Land and Direct Land Sale re: King Street - D. St. Onge
Infrastructure Ontario for financing of Capital Works (Golden Manor) - G. Paquette
Laneway Closure re: Goldale Road - S. Palmateer
Laneway Closure re: Jersey Lane - S. Palmateer
Municipal portion of the MAT tax - Councillor Robin
a) Adoption/Receipt of Minutes BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following Minutes of Timmins Council be adopted as presented: Minutes of the Regular meeting held January 25, 2022 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following Minutes be accepted: Minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee held December 15, 2021 b) Correspondence Letter from Tom Bell on behalf of No Nuisance Noise Ontario (NNNO!) re: Nuisance noise created by modified/missing mufflers Letter from the Honourable Ministers Lisa M. Thompson and Marie- Claude Bibeau Letter from Robin McLeod re: The Really Really Free Market (RRFM) c) First and Second Reading of By-Laws RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following by-laws be given first and second reading: By-law 2022-8655 being a by-law to amend by-law 1983-2004, Schedule "I" respecting Parking Metered Zones By-law 2022-8656 being a by-law to deem lots 42, 43 and 44 on Plan M-12-S, known municipally as 6062 King Street By-law 2022-8657 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of part 7 on plan 6R-8311 (Goldale Road) By-law 2022-8658 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of Part 1 on plan 6R-9313 (Jersey Lane) By-law 2022-8659 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement for the Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 By-law 2022-8660 being a by-law to authorize certain new capital work(s) of the Municipality of the City of Timmins; to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and lands corporation (“OILC”) for financing of such capital work(s); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such capital work(s); and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures to OILC
Amend by-law 18-305 re: Committee of Adjustment BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council amend resolution 18-305 to add Scott Bragagnolo as member to the Committee of Adjustment.
Declaration of Surplus Land and Direct Land Sale re: King Street BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council declared the subject land, Whitney Con 3 Pt Lot 9, Parcel 3811WT, Plan 6R-9313, Parts 2 and 3, surplus to the needs of the municipality, and sell the subject land to the adjacent property owners on King Street.
Municipal Accommodation Tax Terms of Reference and Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Timmins hereby creates a committee known as the Municipal Accommodation Tax Committee for the purpose of distributing the municipal portion of the MAT Tax proceeds, AND FURTHER THAT the attached terms of reference be adopted as the terms for the committee, AND FURTHER THAT the following members of Council be appointed to the Committee for the balance of this term of Council: Councillor Boileau Councillor Robin Councillor Whissell AND FURTHER THAT an advertisement for the community position be placed in the newspaper and that applications shall be submitted to the Clerks Department.
2022-8655-Amend by-law 1983-2004 re: Schedule I - Parking Metered Zones BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8655 being a by-law to amend bylaw 1983-2004, Schedule "I" respecting Parking Metered Zones be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8656-Deeming By-law re: 6062 King Street BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8656 being a by-law to deem lots 42, 43 and 44 on Plan M-12-S, known municipally as 6062 King Street be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8657-Stop up, close and sell unopened road allowance re: Goldale Road BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8657 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of part 7 on plan 6R-8311 (Goldale Road) be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8658-Stop up, close and sell unopened road allowance re: Jersey Lane BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8658 being a by-law to assume, stop-up, close and sell the Surface Rights of Part 1 on plan 6R-9313 (Jersey Lane) be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8659-Agreement with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing re: Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement - Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8659 being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement for the Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3 be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.
2022-8660-Application to Infrastructure Ontario for financing of Capital Works re: Golden Manor Redevelopment BE IT RESOLVED THAT by-law 2022-8660 being a by-lawto authorize certain new capital work(s) of the Municipality of the City of Timmins; to authorize the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and lands corporation (“OILC”) for financing of such capital work(s); to authorize temporary borrowing from OILC to meet expenditures in connection with such capital work(s); and to authorize long-term borrowing for such capital work(s) through the issue of debentures to OILC be given third and final reading and be enacted and passed.